They retrieve the Honda, pick up the scattered gang members and head for the grate behind the civic center, the grate that leads to the steam tunnels and the last holy surface. None of them have been before; the place is sheer rumor, before their time. They stand around the ladder in silence. Lozz says that the JFK assassination was an inside job but he spent his conspiracy dollar on a Dr. Pepper so no one believes him.

They descend rung by rung. The underground is lit by overhead grates and sometimes hot white steam drifts through, obscuring everything. Somewhere down here Tommy Greco’s last holy wall is hidden and the gang splits up to find it. Moto notices all the paintwork. There are tags running down every wall. “There goes MOAB. There goes 9ball. There goes doubletit. There goes IPsvs. There goes woebird.” Triangle Phil shakes his black Krylon like a ward.

A chamber opens up in front of them. There’s another grate on the floor and a weird mural on the low dome ceiling. Orange, yellow and blue circles, interlocking, slashed out, overlapping. Triangle Phil is about to ask what the fuck it means but then his mind starts to read it like it’s the English language.

In the beginning there was Tommy Greco and he was one of the coolest dudes of all time. He dry humped some of the hottest girls in this municipality. But then he met Alisha Maize. Alisha Maize moved from like Hawaii or something and she was totally fine and she had a Led Zeppelin tattoo on her pelvis. Tommy and Alisha started hanging out, smoking pot, taking road trips over state lines, getting freaky in every possible configuration. For a second it was like they achieved the perfect balance, like Triangle Phil can only imagine, a private and beautiful, self-sustaining, unquestionably hip love. But then something happened. As rumor has it, Tommy was supposed to go with Alisha to Target and help her get some new denim. But, instead of doing that, he stayed home and watched a James Bond marathon on AMC. Alisha got pissed. She ditched him that night and hung out with some other dudes. Tommy fucked some other chick. Alisha fucked a guy who looked like Ryan Seacrest. Tommy said she was “a whore with a jumbo twat” and that he could no longer fuck her because it was impossible to achieve friction in her huge vagina. Alisha said that Tommy Greco was “dumber than pterodactyl shit” and that he had no idea how to bring a modern woman to climax.