JCS: Yeah, it’s basically his persona.


MK: Yeah. [Commenters on reddit] brought up, specifically, his joke where two log trucks passing each other and [imitates Brian Regans dumb guy voice] “Why would that happen?” And they’re like, “There’s obviously a reason why it would happen, but I still think the joke is funny.” And I said, “I agree, it’s super funny.” ‘Ignorance comedy’ isn’t even a thing I’d heard of. But I pointed out that if anyone’s doing ignorance comedy it’s Stephen Colbert. He takes facts, misconstrues them, puts them in the wrong order, draws, obviously, wrong conclusions, but you know what he really thinks, you know who he really is. The original commenter said to me, “I just didn’t expect ignorance comedy from you because you have such a nerdy persona.” They weren’t being mean; I don’t think it was some sort of jock coming at me saying [jock voice] “Hey, what is a nerd doing being ignorant.” 


I am a thing. The edges of it are potentially blurry. And if some people see only one or two, or only a limited number of instances of it, they are free to draw the conclusions they draw. My goal is that everything I put out there, at the time, I stand by, I feel good about. And then, maybe in the future, I look back and think I could have done it differently, be it a late night show, or an interview with Marc Maron, or a CD. Now, I’m excited that with the podcast I have, it’s a more constant stream of the ever-changing person that I am. 


JCS: I’ve gotten through the first five episodes of the podcast you put out. I haven’t gotten to the most recent episode of Hang out With Me...


MK: That’s acceptable and appreciated. That’s very nice in a world with, I think, literally, an infinite number of podcasts now...well, there are seven billion people and probably 14 billion podcasts, that’s my guess. Every baby doesn’t have one, but some old people have three. I think that’s how it works.