SB: I think it just happens to everybody along the way who is doing things that are a little bit dangerous, and also things that are close to home, like something I might’ve said about my father. I think they’re normal things that creep up. I never feel paranoid. It’s not like the days of Lenny Bruce where you used language and you got thrown into jail. It’s hardly that, but, yeah, nobody enjoys being censored, but it reminds you of the kind of freedoms that we have, especially here in America—things we get to say that other countries can’t even open their mouth about. So it has its own double-edged sword.


Honestly, because of the Internet, because of people’s stupidity, because of people’s either fake political correctness, or the right-wing fake concern about people using language that they would use in their bedroom (but in a derogatory destructive way), it’s not even worth saying certain things anymore because you just don’t want it taken out of context, and you don’t wanna defend it because the minute you have to start defending it, that means you’re explaining your work, and the work that I do can’t be explained, and I don’t wanna explain it. I’ve never used a word about anybody that didn’t have many, many layers and meanings and double-entendres, and that wasn’t laced with irony. So a few things that I might have said ten, fifteen, twenty years ago pre-social media, I wouldn’t even bother saying today. I’m like, I’m not gonna be your guinea pig. Fuck it. I just won’t.


MS: Because you don’t want to be put in the position where—


SB: ‘Cause I don’t wanna explain—I don’t wanna explain to the freakin’ stupid masses of people out there that are on that fuckin’ social media twenty-four hours a day, diggin’ around, lookin’ for shit, bored, lost, resentful, angry, tapped out, empty, haven’t picked up a book or listened to a good song maybe in their entire lives, and now they have a platform to go, ‘Blah blah blah.’ I don’t wanna fuckin’ know about it. I don’t wanna engage with these people. I don’t wanna defend myself to these people, so fuck these people; I’m not fucking putting myself in that position. No.