Swipe left.


Swipe left.


Swipe left.


Pause, scroll, scroll, scroll, swipe left.


Neck beard.


Swipe left.


Check inbox.


An email from some strangers, they’re 22 probably, say they’re starting a magazine. They seem nice, eager. We were 22 when we started this magazine, five years ago. We say, Sure we’ll answer some questions.


How did you set yourselves apart?


We were purple. We insulted people in our founding manifesto. We snubbed paper, refused to ever print an issue even though we knew some people would — and still do — take our content less seriously because it’s online. (We were right about the internet tho, btw.)


How do you build readership?


Swipe left.


It should be illegal to have a first pic that features more than one person.


Swipe left.