JF: I feel like now I understand that you have to have a straightforward title, you have to have a straightforward concept. You can put weird stuff in there, and fun stuff, but you have to package it in a way that’s accessible. Now I kinda know how to package it a little better.


CD: So maybe that’s the concession to the business side. Here’s the narrative around what this is.


JF: That’s the thing. The tricky thing is you have to spend as much time marketing the show as you do creating it. It’s one person doing two jobs. It’s so tricky. I mean, it’s not tricky, but it’s a hard thing to learn. ‘Cause you’re like, “Oh, I want this to be fun.” You realize it’s fun only if you make it package-able, you know?


CD: It’s not fun to be just people alone with no audience talking to themselves.


JF: Exactly.


CD: Who are your favorite performers or shows right now?