Carnage fetish


We share our body parts, duh. I hate the gendering happening in the phrase “I  


love the destroyed wreckage of mankind.” We’re such babies to compare the


universe to our bodies. I wish it was night over the ocean. So I could see the


_______________________ reflected in the Pacific Garbage Patch. I wish

           (celestial body)

the sun wasn’t so __________ing  violent. Beat my ________________.

                                       (swear)                                                       (body part)

 Trash piles remind me I’m alive, part of something. Oh yeah. Here’s what the


legions of our piled bodies have manifested: Empty bottles. Blood stains.


Unrecycled recyclable paper. Diapers. Post-rocket launcher video game fire.


You’re left shuffling mangled. When I did dishes, the hot water made the cheese


become an angel. I identify more with the sleeker, miniature 


___________________ than the traditional ____________________. 

    (noun, form of doom)                                                 (torture device) 

Oh! I recognize humanity in the  streamlining.  Got so worked up


explaining this that I had to go home and _____________________.


I’ll keep this to myself.