JCS: So, time has healed a few wounds and now Kraft and Taco Bell peddling things on Twitter has become a much more salient target for you?


NH: Well, this divorce stuff, I still talk about it, but you got my ex-wife’s attorneys sending me crap in the mail every time you do and that also takes some of the fun out of it. And a lot of folks would like to hear things about some of this stuff that has really taken over the landscape of this country; some of these products and their ad campaigns.


As you travel around, you don’t really have some of the experiences you used to have in the old days, like getting a flat tire and getting ripped off by some yokel who's thrown a bunch of carpet tacks out on the highway so he can sell you one of his tires when you walk up the road to get help. Now, you’re talking about these multi-million dollar corporations who’ve got their own sort of racket, and it’s not as homespun as the old ways of being ripped-off, and that’s what I miss. There was a certain elegance to the way you used to get ripped-off and mistreated on the road, and now it’s so streamlined that it really doesn’t have the same charm that it used to.


JCS: So you like the blue-collar, working class rip-off better?


NH: It’s more entertaining, I’ve got to say. You at least feel there was some sort of human element to it. Whereas the other thing, it’s like waking up and you’re in some sort of air-conditioned tomb and you’re reaching around and realizing they’ve removed your kidneys in the middle of the night.


JCS: You seem to take particular joy in making hay from recent celebrity deaths. Do you like taking shots at deceased celebrities because society seems to have sudden reverence for them?


NH: Well, I enjoy getting a quick laugh. And I’ll tell you, there’s no quicker laugh than the one you get when these folks are gone. And let’s face it, they’re not around to complain about it. Having some crummy comedian make a joke about their death in a shit-hole nightclub the following night is the least of their problems. They should be more worried about what they’ll be eating in hell and that sort of thing, rather than worrying about whether or not I told a joke to six people to get a cheap laugh.