Therapist: It’s okay.  Just try to say what you’re feeling.

Valerie: I know I feel critical of myself for being excited or making sounds.  I start thinking things like, You’re moving too much.  You’re too excited.  You’re making too much noise.  You’re acting like a slut!  It seems like it’s an attack on me for simply wanting to be sexual.

Therapist: Try to say that attack.  Say it in the tone of voice that you’re hearing inside your head.  Let the anger out.

Valerie:  It’s like, You slut, you dirty disgusting slut.  What do you want to do, eat him up? Girls don’t do that, girls don’t do that, you slut! [long pause followed by sobbing]

Perhaps the oddest part of Firestone’s therapy is this: After couples have learned the process of saying their voices in the therapy setting, they are encouraged to reveal their negative thoughts to each other when they occur during the sex act!!!!!! [your underline and your exclamations].  Firestone says Valerie and Mark tried this, both letting The Voice loose in the middle of fucking.  There is no transcript of this exchange, but using quotes from Firestone’s recordings of their therapy, a coital unleashing might sound exactly like this:

Mark: Keep quiet.  You bother me.

Valerie: You’re moving too much.  You’re too excited.

Mark: Goddamn you.  Do not touch anything.  Stay still.

Valerie: You slut, you dirty disgusting slut.

Mark: Do not make any sound, do you understand?  Stop crying.

Valerie: You slut!

Mark: You little piece of shit!

When Firestone asks the couple to formulate the possible causes of their sexual dysfunction Mark begins by saying When we first got together, it was really great.  It was like a fantasy come true for me.